p n

p n



p n
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1·This paper analyzes the failure mechanism of semiconductor P N junction temperature sensors and presents a new design to reduce the internal stresses and methods to improve the processes.
2·Calls out direct materials P/N, description, usage, and designator.
3·The growth of Microcystis aeruginosa had a positive relation with N and P concentration.
4·Unlike the widespread HIV-1 M strain, and the much rarer N and O strains, which jumped to people from chimpanzees, the newly described P strain originated in gorillas.
与传播广泛的HIV-1 M株、以及更罕见的从人类转移至黑猩猩的N和O株不同的是,这一新发现的P株源自大猩猩。
5·Most of us would agree that this is an easily recognizable profile, and it is a puzzle why the manual's committee on personality disorders has decided to throw N. P. D. off the bus.
6·Though I'm only 17, I'm a full-fledged member of the organization known as O. P. U. L. E. n.
7·You then make "n" and "e" public and keep "d" as secret as you possibly can and then throw away "p" and "q" (or keep them as secret as "d").
8·Reversing the contents of a file is not a common task, but the following one-liners show than the -n and -p switches are not always the best choice when processing an entire file.
使文件内容反向排列并不是常见的任务,但是以下几个一行程序显示了- n开关和- p开关并不总是处理整个文件的最佳选择。
9·The 'p' command does what it always does, explicitly telling sed to print out the line, since we are in '-n' quiet mode.
因为是处于' - n '安静方式,所以' p '命令还是完成其惯有任务,即明确告诉sed打印该行。
10·Thus, the -p switch is better for full processing of a file, while the -n switch is better for selective file processing, where only specific data needs to be printed.
因此,- p开关更适用于对文件进行的完全处理,而- n开关更适用于选择性文件处理,这样的处理只需打印特定数据。